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We are now making plans for The Best of Italy 2024. Please fill out the form below to express interest in this trip.

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Trip is full

Please fill out the form to reserve your trip. You'll be prompted to make your deposit.

Please select the quantity of people traveling for the deposit.

You can choose to pay with Credit Card, Paypal, or choose offline payment to use Venmo or check. 

Trip registration is closed

We are now making plans for our annual trip to Washington, D.C. for our 6th grade and any parents who wish to go.  The vaccine and mask mandates seem to be disappearing but could always resurface. We have been going during the fall for the last few years and feel this is the best time to go. The colors are beautiful and the lines are much shorter. For our hotel this this year we are in contact with a  couple Marriott hotels in Crystal City.  These hotels are very close to the Metro which we always use for travel in D.C. This way you will have a great deal more free time to visit the museums you are interested in seeing and not as much time on a bus! Plus you learn how to ride the subway. We always take 5 days so you are not as rushed. Everyone the last few years has felt the subway is a great experience. Remember, we design our trips for our students to give them something that will prepare them for the future!

I cannot stress enough the importance of letting us know how many are planning to go at this time.  You have plenty of time to change your mind if Covid rears its head again! We must make sure that we have enough airline space, buses, and hotel rooms. Because of the large number of people we may have to split into two or three groups on the plane. We will continue to base our pricing on just one family to a room.

The price will be $1385 per person if you have 2 or 3 people in the room.  If you want to room with 4 or more people then you may deduct $75 per person. We hope to reserve enough space for 140 people. You are welcome to bring both parents and even grandparents as long as we know far enough in advance to arrange reservations.  It is important to get our deposits in early so that we can guarantee availability of the places we want to see. 

We need to find out how many are interested so we can make sure we reserve enough rooms.  This first letter will just let us know how many to expect.  You are under no obligation at this point.  We do not even need a deposit, just a number of those interested. You can make a deposit if you like and we will accept your deposits at any time. 

Fully refundable until August 5. But after airline tickets are purchased in August, we cannot give any refunds. 

Pay with Credit Card or paypal

Pay with Venmo

Pay with Check

If you prefer to send a check:

Make payable to: Narrowgate Travel

Mail to: Dr. Dan Carden

12170 Rivervista Dr, Cottondale, AL 35453

Best of Italy Reservations

Please fill out the form to reserve your trip.

You'll be prompted to make your deposit. Please select the quantity of people traveling for the deposit.

You can choose to pay with Credit Card, Paypal, or choose offline payment to use Venmo or check. 

Nov. 9-13, 2023  (Th-M)  5 Days

6th Grade - FULL

Sites include: Capitol, Monuments, Arlington, Mt. Vernon, Smithsonian, Holocaust  Museum,  National Gallery of Art, National Cathedral,  Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Union Station, Pentagon Mall, Bureau of Engraving, Archives, and others

Cost Per Person

$1385 per person

 (Private room for 2-3 people)

$400 deposit (per person)
Due Aug 3rd or before
Final payment due Sept. 15th

April 2024 - Tentative

New York, NY
10th Grade

Information coming soon. 

Cost Per Person

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

April 8-10, 2024 - Tentative

Dauphin Island Sea Lab 9th Grade

Sea lab classes may include a boat trip out in the ocean, a salt march trip, squid lab, beach walk, history of hurricanes, Fort Morgan tour or other possibilities (all dependent on weather).

Cost Per Person

$345 per person

(2 people to a room)

$145 deposit (per person)

Due Feb. 10th or before

Final $200 March 1, 2024