April 14-16 2025

Monday, Apr 14

6:00 am                       Leave  ACA

12:30                           Eat lunch in Mobile

1:30                             Arrive at Sea Lab

2:00                             Estuarium

5:15                             Crayfish and Shrimp Boil on Dauphin Island

10:30                           Lights out

Tuesday, April 15

7:30                             Breakfast

9:00 – 11:30                Sea Lab Boat trip

12:00                           lunch

1:00 pm                       Sea Lab class

5:00                             Supper

10:30 pm                     lights out

Wednesday, April 16

7:30                             Breakfast

8:00 am                      Sea Lab class

11:30                           Lunch

1:00                             Leave

5:30                             Arrive back at ACA

Sea lab classes may include a boat trip out in the ocean, a salt march trip, squid lab, beach walk, history of hurricanes, Fort Morgan tour or other possibilities (all dependent on weather).

Hotel:                           Dauphin Island Sea Lab Dorms (2 people to a room)

Meals:                          All meals while there are provided.  All meals are buffet style meals.

                                      Students will need money for lunch going down, and a snack coming home. 

Students will need bed linens or a sleeping bag, pillow, and towels and wash clothes (and soap and shampoo).

Cost:                            $365

Deposit:                      $165 per person Due: Dec. 15

Final:                            $200 Feb 1, 2024

Parents are welcome

Remember all meals and activities at the SeaLab are included

Deposits are non-refundable after March 1

Interest in Trip

Please fill out the form to share interest in joining this trip.